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Bus Branding

Bus Branding

The wheels on the bus go round and round, and so do the advertisements. If you're a commuter, a public transit patron, or a walker/driver in central neighborhoods, you've been frequently affected by bus advertising.

There's no way around it. Bus advertising is designed to market to consumers in a direct, and easy to understand, format. Bus advertising delivers, for the most part, clear, universal messages that center around food, hospitality, fashion, upcoming events, listings, lifestyle branding, and a plethora of other fields. These messages can be seen wrapped around a bus, interestingly used in bus shelters, and inside the vehicle to give consumers a reason to look out. This LEOUD MEDIA advertising agency is so effective because of its large reach aimed to target to just about everyone in eyesight.outdoor advertising has an overall weekly reach of 90% for people ages 5 and up. Let's look at how bus advertising registers with consumers, examine the strengths of both indoor and outdoor bus advertisements, and understand the types of bus ad displays.

Bus advertising is a triumphant LEOUD MEDIA mechanism geared towards everyday people on-the-go. Advertisers use bus advertising because they are guaranteed a great reach at an affordable cost, depending on size, area, and longevity. It's effective in reaching out to both men and women, of various age groups, because awareness about a product/service sees no gender, really. Of course, a bus ad advertising waxing strips from a predominantly female business will cater to women. However, bus advertisements are not usually gender-based. They're for everyone to see!

Emotional connections could stem from an effective bus advertisement as well, such as environmental issues faced head-on or non-profit community services. Position these advertisements on or inside buses and consumers can be woken up to make the listed change.LEOUDMEDIA talks about engaging audiences with an emotional brand connection.

Advertising with buses motivates viewers to take action; giving further incentives by way of call-to-action for consumers to investigate the advertised brand. In doing this, bus advertising also creates viewer interaction, especially in bus shelter executions, to communicate with and share the advertisement if it stands out creatively.

Strengths Of Exterior Bus Ads

Exterior bus ads have the effect to generate a mass reach very quickly. Their large presence, in an outdoor environment, make for a high number of impressions for people not limited to commuters. Consumers are 33% more alert when outside their homes making lasting brand impressions an important device. There is also no seasonality when it comes to exterior bus ads. Levels of awareness throughout the year for bus advertising in an outdoor space stay, on average, the same. The season holds no bearing on the campaign's effectiveness.

A bright, colorful design, with short copy truly makes or breaks a bus advertisement. If it's not eye-catching at first, someone passing by an exterior bus ad won't look back at it. The goal is to make a lasting impression, something in which that viewer can be able to recall later on.